Mystical Places
Individuals, communities and peoples have always needed to believe in mystical forces far above them. To facilitate contact with this beyond, places for worship and reflection have been created, often mixing belief, religion, myth, tradition and legend. Discover these places, these most famous mystical places on the planet.
Discover the famous mystical places where belief, religion, myth, tradition and legend are mixed.

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Necropolis located on a desert plateau on the west bank of the Nile near Cairo, where the famous pyramids are located.
The necropolis of Thebes | The necropolis of Saqqarah | The necropolis of Giza | The necropolis of the Kings -
The border area of these two countries is home to the largest concentration of megalithic circles in the world.
Egypt and Sudan | South Africa and Namibia | Gambia and Senegal | Tanzania and Kenya -
Basilica located in the heart of Venice where the relics of one of the most illustrious saints of Christendom are kept.
St. Peter's Basilica | The Basilica of the Sacred Heart | Saint-Denis Basilica | St. Mark's Basilica -
Mountain associated with the Cave of Elijah, a sacred place for Jews, Christians, Muslims and Druze.
Mount Hermon | Mount Lebanon | Mount Carmel | Mount Thabor -
Egypt's largest funerary complex located at Saqqarah, the country's first pyramid was built there around 2650 BC.
The funeral complex of Djoser | The funerary complex of Khaba | The funerary complex of Snefrou | The funerary complex of Giza
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This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Mystical Places. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
7404 | Miche |
6064 | AtoZ |
5678 | Gilligan72 |
2930 | savard71 |
2824 | Gigi |
1695 | Miniputt |
1542 | stan |
1035 | Felix |
996 | Rambo |
965 | Claire |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
2.81 | AtoZ |
2.77 | stan |
2.69 | Rambo |
2.54 | beaulieu58 |
2.14 | Virginie79 |
2.12 | Gilligan72 |
1.82 | matt44 |
1.46 | Balloney |
1.37 | savard71 |
1.34 | Mulligan18 |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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