Two of a Kind

Two of a Kind

Some names are inseparable from each other, like Romeo and Juliet. Will you be able to match the names we suggest in categories as varied as the arts, history, sport, cinema and literature?

Some names are inseparable from each other. Match the names we suggest.
Average74 % - Questions100
Writer Panoramix  Category Miscellaneous   Keywords General culture 
Game creation: 2020-11-19 | Photo credit: Syclone | Photo credit (thumbnail): Syclone

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Two of a Kind. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • What name can be associated with "Antigua"?

    Cuba | Barbuda | Dominica | Grenada
  • What name can be associated with "Romulus"?

    Rinnus | Romolus | Remus | Romanus
  • What name can be associated with "Spock"?

    Sisko | Picard | Kirk | Marvel
  • What name can be associated with "Napoleon"?

    Josephine | Margot | Marie antoinette | Agnes
  • What name can be associated with "Yogi"?

    Jappy | Baba Looey | Boo-Boo | Scooby Doo

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Two of a Kind. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
8724 Miche
4404 tartusopommus
4247 Balloney
2463 Rambo
1405 Gege66
1197 Catou
1146 MissVelvet
1114 stan
963 Fanny
831 Savancosinus

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
3.10 stan
2.76 tartusopommus
2.60 Savancosinus
2.47 Balloney
2.45 Boogie
1.83 MissVelvet
1.70 Rambo
1.52 Claire
1.52 mjs887
1.50 GailE
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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