Great Names in Literature
You will have to recognize and identify major authors from all over the world.

Average64 % -
Game creation: 2020-07-03
| Photo credit: Wikipedia - John Taylor (Shakespeare)
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia - John Taylor (Shakespeare)
Literature is a vast universe populated by creators whose works have marked history and the collective imagination. From playwrights like Shakespeare to novelists like Cervantes and Victor Hugo, and poets like Baudelaire, these great names have explored the depths of the human soul, the complexities of society, and the wonders of the world through words that still resonate today.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Great Names in Literature. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
This Spanish playwright, poet and founder of the "Comedia nueva", is one of the most prolific authors in history.
Lope de Vega | Luis de Góngora | Juan Ruiz de Alarcón | Miguel de Cervantes -
He created the character Tarzan, whose adventures first appeared in 1912 under the title "Tarzan of the Apes".
Edgar Rice Burroughs | Rudyard Kipling | Edgar Allan Poe | Arthur Conan Doyle -
Author of "Hamlet" and "Macbeth" in the early 17th century, he is considered to be the greatest playwright in history.
John Milton | Geoffrey Chaucer | William Shakespeare | Christopher Marlowe -
The enigmatic work of this Argentinian writer has made him one of the pioneers of Magic realism and "philosophy-fiction".
Ernesto Sábato | Julio Cortázar | Jorge Luis Borges | Gabriel García Márquez -
Known by this male pen name, she is the greatest Victorian writer in England.
Ellis Bell | George Eliot | Lucas Cleeve | George Sand
Real-time difficulty levels
This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Great Names in Literature. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
4967 | Miche |
1589 | tartusopommus |
1532 | jacquesL |
1500 | Claire |
1392 | ferrari |
1356 | Titan |
1317 | Gilligan72 |
1274 | matt44 |
1080 | Capland |
1023 | Jeveuxsavoir |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
3.14 | Balloney |
3.08 | totoche |
2.63 | tartusopommus |
2.54 | Capland |
2.40 | MissVelvet |
2.38 | MV12 |
2.32 | Titan |
2.25 | stan |
2.15 | Mariannebt |
2.14 | Arthor |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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