In the Time of Saint Louis
Louis IX of France, the legendary Saint Louis, was one of the great reformers of the kingdom.

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In the time of...
Middle Age
13th century
Game creation: 2021-02-04
| Photo credit: Wikipedia (Anonyme - Bible moralisée de Tolède)
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia (Anonyme - Bible moralisée de Tolède)
The era of Louis IX, better known as Saint Louis (13th century), was marked by a reign of justice and piety. The King of France was a devout Christian, leading two Crusades. His reign also saw the development of royal administration and the consolidation of royal power. Saint Louis has remained in history as a just ruler concerned with the well-being of his people.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz In the Time of Saint Louis. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
What is the meaning of the name of the town Aigues-Mortes, where Louis IX built a port of embarkation for his crusades?
High tide | West wind | Sea Algae | Stagnant waters -
How did the seventh crusade end for Louis IX and the Crusaders?
By Muslim capitulation | By the death of Louis IX | By the liberation of Jerusalem | By failure -
Following in the words of Pope Gregory IX, Louis burned this book which would contain words insulting to Jesus.
The Avesta | The Talmud | The Tanakh | The Quran -
What ordinance promulgated by Louis IX should be abandoned under popular pressure?
The ban on pious images | The ban on duels | Prohibition of alcohol | Prohibition of prostitution -
Under what nickname was Louis IX known during his reign in the 13th century?
Saint Louis | Augustus | The Prudhomme | The Pious
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Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
3805 | KimSmith |
2984 | zoulou |
2593 | Mero20 |
1517 | MissPiggy |
1065 | Cesar |
799 | LouisXIV |
683 | FourmiAtomique |
665 | jacquesL |
640 | Savancosinus |
636 | Rambo |
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