In the Time of Saint Louis

In the Time of Saint Louis

Saint Louis, Louis IX of France, the legendary king. His unshakeable faith led him to two crusades, to supervise the construction of abbeys, to procure Sacred Relics, to help the poor and to be canonized after his death. A reformer of his kingdom, he modernized the justice system, consolidated royal power, and reduced the scope of the aging feudal system.

Louis IX of France, the legendary Saint Louis, was one of the great reformers of the kingdom.
Average62 % - Questions100
Writer Panoramix  Category History   Series In the time of... Keywords Monarchy  France  People  Middle Age  13th century 
Game creation: 2021-02-04 | Photo credit: Wikipedia (Anonyme - Bible moralisée de Tolède) | Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia (Anonyme - Bible moralisée de Tolède)

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz In the Time of Saint Louis. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • At what point had feudalism developed before it began a significant decline in the thirteenth century under Louis IX?

    In the 8th century | In the 7th century | In the 9th century | In the 9th century
  • What was the main reason for organizing crusades between 1095 and 1291, in which Louis IX was one of the actors?

    Forcing the road to China | Evangelizing North Africa | Freeing the tomb of Christ in Jerusalem | Taking ownership of trade with the East
  • How did Louis IX recover his freedom while he was a prisoner of the Muslims during the Seventh Crusade?

    Unconditional release | Escape from prison | Paying a ransom | Alliance with Muslims
  • Which of these qualifiers best describes Louis IX?

    Careful | Lazy | Pious | Belligerent
  • Where was Louis born?

    At Tours Castle | At the Château de Vincennes | At Poissy Castle | At Mortain Castle

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Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
3805 KimSmith
2984 zoulou
2593 Mero20
1517 MissPiggy
1065 Cesar
799 LouisXIV
683 FourmiAtomique
665 jacquesL
640 Savancosinus
636 Rambo

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
3.03 KimSmith
2.84 Savancosinus
2.78 jacquesL
2.77 Balloney
2.24 ferrari
1.85 Mero20
1.69 zoulou
1.52 Rambo
1.29 zumba
1.19 MissPiggy
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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