The 17th Century in Literature

The 17th Century in Literature

A century of literature between classicism, baroque and great theatrical works.
Average71 % - Questions50
Writer Sylvia67  Category Literature   Keywords 17th Century 
Game creation: 2025-02-17 | Photo credit: Nicolas-André Monsiau, 1802. | Photo credit (thumbnail): Nicolas-André Monsiau, 1802.

The 17th century was a golden age for European literature, marked by classicism in France and the rise of theater in England. In France, authors such as Molière, Racine, and Corneille created major works that defined the rules of classical theater and explored human passions. In England, William Shakespeare, although his work began in the 16th century, continued to profoundly influence the literary scene, alongside playwrights like Ben Jonson.

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz The 17th Century in Literature. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • This character was created in 1678 by Madame de La Fayette.

    The Princess of Cleves | Lady Chatterley | Madame de Tourvel | Madame Bovary
  • Symbol of classicism, this playwright gave up the theater after the failure of "Phèdre" to become Louis XIVs historiographer.

    Jacques Bossuet | Jean Racine | Pierre Corneille | Philippe Quinault
  • Which writer made a mark on literature with “Characters” in 1688, a critique of the customs of his time?

    Marin le Roy de Gomberville | Jean de La Bruyère | François de La Rochefoucauld | Nicolas Boileau
  • Who is the author of “Memoirs”, published posthumously, in which he recounts the court of Louis XIV with a sharp eye?

    Guillaume Amfrye de Chaulieu | Jean-Baptiste Lully | Charles Pinot Duclos | Louis de Rouvroy de Saint-Simon
  • Which famous French fabulist wrote “The Crow and the Fox”?

    Nicolas Boileau | Jean Racine | Jean de La Fontaine | Paul Scarron

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This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz The 17th Century in Literature. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

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374 Mchill
122 Felix
114 AtoZ
100 Claire
88 forr
82 panthers0457
82 HappyJappy
82 Beth99
82 Savancosinus
70 totoche

Top 10 - Rating *

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1.05 Mchill
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