Woodstock Festival

Woodstock Festival

The legendary festival, symbol of freedom and pinnacle of 1960s counterculture.

The legendary festival, symbol of freedom and pinnacle of 1960s counterculture.
Average68 % - Questions100
Writer jamesB  Category Music   Society   Series The 1960s Keywords Event  Rock music  The 1960s 
Game creation: 2023-08-05 | Photo credit: Getty Images | Photo credit (thumbnail): Getty Images

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Woodstock Festival. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Who performed "With a Little Help from My Friends" during the festival?

    The Beatles | Joe Cocker | Albert Lee | Eric Clapton
  • This band didn't play at Woodstock.

    Iron Butterfly | Canned Heat | Mountain | Sweetwater
  • He was the first artist to perform at the festival on Friday at 5pm.

    Arlo Guthrie | Ravi Shankar | Richie Havens | Joe Cocker
  • Who performed "Soul Sacrifice" during the festival?

    James Taylor | Joni Mitchell | Janis Joplin | Santana
  • Who performed "We Shall Overcome" during the festival?

    Judy Collins | Joan Baez | Carly Simon | Carole King

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370 AtoZ
204 Cesar
144 Alan79
128 BeachClub
110 Joker
110 flash
100 les4as
82 fer9
82 MV12

Top 10 - Rating *

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4.20 AtoZ
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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