Masterpieces of the 7th Art

Masterpieces of the 7th Art

Some great classics of cinema. To see or to see again.
Average61 % - Questions100
Writer Capland  Category Cinema & television   Keywords Cinema  Movies 
Game creation: 2022-05-10 | Photo credit: Shutterstock / Rex Images | Photo credit (thumbnail): Shutterstock / Rex Images

The masterpieces of the 7th art are films that have marked the history of cinema through their boldness, innovation, and lasting cultural impact. Whether they are timeless classics or more recent productions, these cinematic works transcend entertainment to explore universal themes, push artistic boundaries, and leave an indelible mark on collective memory.

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Masterpieces of the 7th Art. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • A 1980 boxing film shot entirely in black and white.

    Raging Bull | The Ring | Rocky | Ali
  • A day in the life of the people of Kiev, Moscow and Odessa in 1920s Soviet Russia.

    The Earth | Man with a Movie Camera | The Battleship Potemkin | Ivan the Terrible
  • In this film by Ingmar Bergman, a knight returns from the Crusades while his country is suffering from the plague.

    The Wild Strawberries | Persona | The Seventh Seal | Cries and Whispers
  • Which film opens with the song "The End" performed by the band "The Doors"?

    The Thin Red Line | Dunkirk | Saving Private Ryan | Apocalypse Now
  • A masterpiece of poetic realism by Marcel Carné from a screenplay by Jacques Prévert.

    Children of Paradise | The Earrings of Madame de… | Lola Montès | L'Argent

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Masterpieces of the 7th Art. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
1533 Arthor
557 Nickie
524 Titan
475 Nicole
438 Dretto
432 Catou
381 Balloney
362 tango78
306 CrevettesUtopiques
299 Yoda

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
5.85 Titan
3.27 Balloney
2.65 Arthor
2.01 zumba
1.62 Panoramix
1.47 Nicole
1.36 toutcon
1.34 tango78
1.33 Yoda
1.24 Catou
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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