On the Screen! The Lord of the Rings
One Quiz to rule them all.

Average82 % -
Game creation: 2023-08-12
| Photo credit: eurogamer.net
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia
Peter Jackson's cinematic trilogy of The Lord of the Rings has left an indelible mark on fantasy cinema. Adapting J.R.R. Tolkien's monumental work, the films transported audiences to Middle-earth, a universe rich in creatures, epic landscapes, and an epic struggle for the fate of the world. The emotion, adventure, and epic scope captivated a global audience.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz On the Screen! The Lord of the Rings. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
In which village did Frodo first meet Aragorn?
The Shire | Westfold | Bree | Osgiliath -
How did Boromir die?
Poisoned | Hit by arrows | Decapitated | Pushed off a cliff -
Who is the King of Rohan?
Faramir | Théoden | Éomer | Boromir -
Ruling Steward of Gondor, he is also the father of Boromir and Faramir.
Gamling | Théoden | Denethor | Ecthelion -
Which composer created the trilogy's iconic music?
Hans Zimmer | Howard Shore | James Horner | John Williams
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