Now Showing: Premiere Night

Now Showing: Premiere Night

A retrospective of the inaugural screenings that left their mark on the big screen.
Average68 % - Questions101
Writer lise48  Category Cinema & television   Keywords Cinema 
Game creation: 2024-12-16 | Photo credit: AdobeStock | Photo credit (thumbnail): AdobeStock

Premiere nights are key moments when the public's anticipation to experience a new cinematic work for the first time is at its peak. The wait surrounding the premiere of iconic films like Gone with the Wind (1939), with its star-studded cast and epic scope, or that of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999), marking the return of a cult saga, perfectly illustrates this excitement.

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Now Showing: Premiere Night. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which historical film, starring Ryan O'Neal, premiered in 1975?

    Doctor Zhivago | A Clockwork Orange | Barry Lyndon | 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Which war film, starring George MacKay, premiered in 2019?

    1917 | Dunkirk | Saving Private Ryan | Hacksaw Ridge
  • Which romantic drama, starring Leonardo DiCaprio, premiered in 1997?

    Titanic | The Notebook | Pearl Harbor | Romeo + Juliet
  • Which psychological drama, starring Brad Pitt, premiered in 2006?

    The Tree of Life | Babel | 21 Grams | Amores Perros
  • Which drama, starring Bette Davis, was first shown in 1950?

    Rebecca | Sunset Boulevard | A Streetcar Named Desire | All About Eve

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Now Showing: Premiere Night. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
310 weezer
116 Fanny
106 vic88
100 les4as
100 Mero20
94 MichelC
82 LouiseB
76 fer9
76 Matrix
70 Felix

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
1.43 weezer
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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