On the Screen! Game of Thrones
Relive this cult series adapted from the novels of George R. R. Martin.

Average70 % -
Game creation: 2023-01-26
| Photo credit: Pexels-freestocksorg
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Shutterstock
Game of Thrones is an epic medieval fantasy series that follows the power struggles between several noble families for control of the Iron Throne in the kingdom of Westeros. Amidst plots, betrayals, wars, and mythical creatures, the series explores complex themes such as politics, loyalty, morality, and survival in a ruthless world.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz On the Screen! Game of Thrones. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
On which pay-TV channel was the series originally broadcast?
Showtime | HBO | Disney | Netflix -
What is the name of the feud of House Stark?
Dragonstone | Dorne | Vale of Arryn | Winterfell -
What name is also given to the "wildlings" who live beyond the Wall in the far north?
Northerners | Hunters-gatherers | Free Folk | Dothraki -
What is Daenerys Targaryen called by the Yunkai slaves she freed?
Mhysa | Khaleesi | Mater | Dea -
Who is the eldest son of Ned and Catelyn Stark?
Benjen Stark | Robb Stark | Rickon Stark | Brandon Stark
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