Inventions and Their Inventors
Will you be able to match some of the greatest inventions with their inventor?

Average61 % -
Game creation: 2022-01-08
| Photo credit: Pixabay - Chraecker
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Pixabay - Chraecker
Human history is punctuated by revolutionary inventions that have transformed our daily lives and shaped the world as we know it. From fundamental discoveries to major technological advancements, each invention bears the mark of a visionary inventor, driven by curiosity, perseverance, and the desire to improve the human condition.
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Here are some questions from the quiz Inventions and Their Inventors. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
He created a process for the industrial manufacture of nitroglycerin, which later led to the invention of dynamite in 1866.
Théophile-Jules Pelouze | William Armstrong | Alfred Krupp | Alfred Nobel -
Its non-alcoholic beverage, Coca-Cola, was presented as an excellent cerebral and intellectual tonic.
Robert Baker | Charles Alderton | James Schlatter | John Pemberton -
In 1824, at the age of 15, he presented for the first time his system of writing in relief for the use of blind people.
Louis Vuitton | Louis Boullée | Louis Braille | Louis Pasteur -
A prolific American inventor, his work on electricity led him to improve the incandescent lamp in 1878.
Joseph Henry | Linus Yale | Thomas Edison | Charles Cros -
In 1886 he was the first to transmit electricity in the form of alternating current, as it is still used today.
George Westinghouse | Thomas Edison | Werner von Siemens | André-Marie Ampère
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