Light and Shadow in the Sky
To highlight the beauty and brilliance of visible objects and phenomena in the sky.

Average65 % -
The vast and ever-changing sky offers a constant spectacle of shadows and lights that has always amazed humanity. From flamboyant sunrises and sunsets to glittering starry nights, through ephemeral rainbows and dancing auroras, it reveals a palette of colors and phenomena of incomparable beauty. This overview explores the magic and brilliance of celestial objects and events that enchant us.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Light and Shadow in the Sky. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
What is the name of the bright outer layer of the Sun that we see from Earth?
Chromosphere | Sun's corona | Heliosphere | Photosphere -
What optical phenomenon discovered by Lord Rayleigh in the 19th century explains the blue color of the sky?
Rayleigh scattering | Rayleigh diffraction | Rayleigh interference | Rayleigh polarization -
What's the name given to the Sun's outer atmosphere, visible as a luminous halo during a total solar eclipse?
Sun's halo | Sun's mantle | Sun's aureole | Sun's corona -
In which galaxy are all the stars visible to the naked eye located?
The Large Magellanic Cloud | The Milky Way | The Andromeda Galaxy | The Hercules Cluster -
What is the name of the meteor shower visible in the summer sky, with peak activity around August 11-13?
Perseids | Geminids | Orionids | Leonids
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