

Mastering fractions? It's a piece of cake!

Mastering fractions? It's a piece of cake!
Average71 % - Questions200
Writer Cesar  Category Science   Keywords Mental math 
Game creation: 2022-09-28 | Photo credit: Shutterstock | Photo credit (thumbnail): Shutterstock

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Fractions. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • What is the decimal value of 1/18?

    0.0555 | 0.1555 | 0.2555 | 0.3555
  • Calculate 1/3 × 1/6.

    1/18 | 1/12 | 1/24 | 1/9
  • Calculate 1/2 + 1/7.

    11/14 | 9/13 | 10/13 | 9/14
  • Calculate 1/2 + 1/12.

    3/4 | 5/6 | 7/12 | 2/3
  • Calculate 1/4 × 1/4.

    1/16 | 1/2 | 1 | 3/4

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Fractions. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
1709 zumba
1332 htech4545
943 Balloney
538 Boogie
467 Matrix
435 DR88
434 Van44
425 HappyJappy
410 Virginie79
369 dannyboy

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
3.11 Balloney
2.50 htech4545
1.66 Matrix
1.57 Virginie79
1.44 HappyJappy
1.37 flash
1.34 BuffaloBill
1.15 Van44
1.11 DR88
1.09 zumba
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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