In the Time of Leonardo da Vinci

In the Time of Leonardo da Vinci

Renaissance man, universal mind. He was by turns painter, sculptor, architect, engineer, mathematician, inventor, anatomist, musician, poet, philosopher, writer... One of the most well-known characters in history, he lived during a period teeming with ideas. Period in which he also greatly contributed to magnify. 

A universal mind, he was an artist, mathematician, inventor, anatomist, musician, poet and philosopher.
Average63 % - Questions100
Game creation: 2021-02-07 | Photo credit: Leonardo - Getty images | Photo credit (thumbnail): Leonardo - Getty images

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz In the Time of Leonardo da Vinci. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which organization does Leonardo join after his apprenticeship at Verrocchio's workshop?

    The "Compagnia di San Luca" | The "Arte dei Medici e Speziali guild" | The "Sacra rappresentazione" school | The "Amici di Santo Francisco di Assisi"
  • Which family ruled Milan at the time of Leonardo's arrival in 1482?

    The Visconti family | The Sforza family | The Borromeo family | The Della Torre family
  • What urban design characterized the ideal city envisaged by Leonardo?

    A residential integration of social classes | A city made up of small hamlets, without a center | A two-tiered city | A city with wide radial avenues
  • What was the greatest benefit to Leonardo for his work in the milanese court's theatrical productions?

    Experimentation with various mechanical concepts | A healthy and generous compensation | Understanding the principles of bird flight | Solidify his relationship with the Duke of Milan
  • To what or to whom is Leonardo's preference and talent for experimentation attributed?

    Natural skill with his hands | The lack of a classical education | His paternal grandmother in her kitchen | The accounts of his grandfather Antonio's travels

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Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
3577 KimSmith
2819 zoulou
1961 Mero20
1329 MissPiggy
955 Cesar
701 FourmiAtomique
496 Rambo
486 LouisXIV
469 Savancosinus
467 zumba

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
2.56 KimSmith
2.37 jacquesL
2.01 Savancosinus
1.62 Mero20
1.52 zoulou
1.21 stan
1.20 zumba
1.14 Matrix
1.13 MissPiggy
1.10 Balloney
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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