A look at the greatest tragedies in human history.

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Game creation: 2024-04-12
| Photo credit: r/CatastrophicFailure
| Photo credit (thumbnail): r/CatastrophicFailure
Disasters, whether natural or human-caused, are tragic events that have profoundly marked the history of humanity. From devastating earthquakes to deadly volcanic eruptions, through wars, famines, and pandemics, these events have caused immense human and material losses, while also shaping societies and influencing the course of history. This overview explores the different forms of these tragedies and their lasting impact.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Disasters. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
Which disaster happened on the night of April 14-15, 1912?
Explosion of the Hindenburg airship | Great Chicago fire | Sinking of the Titanic | Torpedoing of the Lusitania -
In which city did one of the most devastating earthquakes in U.S. history occurs on April 18, 1906?
Miami | New Orleans | Anchorage | San Francisco -
In 2010, this oil rig was the scene of an explosion, causing one of the worst ecological accidents in recent history.
Deepwater Horizon | Thunder Horse | Petronius | Hibernia -
Which airline was involved in two tragic incidents in 2014?
Qatar Airways | Air China | Malaysia Airlines | Cathay Pacific -
Which company caused the death of 20,000 people in Bhopal, India, in 1984 when its plant released toxic gases?
Dupont | BASF | Union Carbide | Dow Chemical
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