Must-See Masterpieces of the Louvre
A journey into the heart of the famous Paris museum, between iconic artworks and emblematic artifacts.
A journey into the heart of the famous Paris museum, between iconic artworks and emblematic artifacts.

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Here are some questions from the quiz Must-See Masterpieces of the Louvre. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
Who is the author of the painting "Liberty Leading the People," painted in 1830?
Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | Jacques-Louis David | Théodore Géricault | Eugène Delacroix -
Who painted "The Coronation of Napoleon", a monumental painting completed in 1807?
Jacques-Louis David | Antoine-Jean Gros | Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres | François Gérard -
What is the second-largest painting displayed in the Louvre, after "The Wedding at Cana" by Veronese?
The Battle of Alexander | Liberty Leading the People | The Raft of the Medusa | The Coronation of Napoleon -
What is the oldest painting displayed in the Louvre?
The Pietà of Avignon | The Crucifixion of Saint Peter | The Altarpiece of Saint-Denis | The Mocking of Christ -
What percentage of the paintings in the Louvre were created by French artists?
66% | 100% | 33% | 80%
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