A Stay in Rome
Rome's influence on Western civilization is indisputable. Standard-bearer of an empire, seat of one of the world's great religions, cultural center of the Renaissance: all the aspects of Rome's history can be found today in the city, a real time machine for the tourists who visit it.
Rome is a real time machine for the tourists who visit it.

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Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz A Stay in Rome. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
What kind of climate prevails in Rome?
Subtropical climate | Mediterranean climate | Microclimate | Equatorial climate -
To whom did Pope Julius II entrust task of decorating the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel?
Michelangelo | Sandro Botticelli | Cosimo Rosselli | Leonardo da Vinci -
What was the original name of Castel Sant'Angelo?
Pantheon | Mausoleum of Hadrian | Imperial Forum | Quirinal Palace -
What tradition related to Trevi Fountain has been popularized in several films?
Meet soul mate at sight of fountain | Make a wish by kissing in front of fountain | Take a picture | Throw a coin into fountain -
Who would have founded Rome according to legend?
Caesar | Titius | Romulus | Remus
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