Enter the world of the most popular artistic movement in painting.

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Game creation: 2022-02-15
| Photo credit: Wikipedia
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Wikipedia
Impressionism, a major artistic movement of the 19th century, revolutionized painting. Artists like Monet and Renoir aimed to capture the fleeting impressions of light and color in nature. They favored visible brushstrokes and everyday subjects, breaking with academic conventions. This movement profoundly influenced modern art.
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Here are some questions from the quiz Impressionism. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
What term could describe impressionist painting?
Subjective | Personal | All these answers | Non social -
This artistic movement comes after impressionism.
Rococo | Romanticism | Neoclassicism | Expressionism -
Forerunner of the Impressionist movement, he made more than 4000 paintings in 60 years.
Auguste Renoir | Camille Pissarro | Gustave Courbet | Édouard Manet -
Who painted "Woman with a Parasol" in 1875?
Édouard Manet | Vincent van Gogh | Paul Gauguin | Claude Monet -
He painted in series forty versions of Rouen Cathedral in 1892 and 1895 in order to capture the light variations.
George Seurat | Paul Cézanne | Claude Monet | Camille Pissarro
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Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
1065 | Virginie79 |
918 | Claire |
795 | corinne75 |
663 | Gigi |
620 | flash |
594 | dominique72 |
588 | Eleni76 |
563 | MV12 |
548 | Irma |
507 | Yoda |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
3.11 | MV12 |
1.96 | Yoda |
1.83 | dominique72 |
1.53 | corinne75 |
1.28 | alex65 |
1.25 | Catou |
1.20 | flash |
1.15 | Virginie79 |
1.07 | Irma |
1.04 | dannyboy |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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