First Names
Find the first names of historical figures and contemporary personalities.

Average71 % -
This challenge invites you to identify the first names of significant historical figures and famous individuals of our time. It involves associating full names with well-known personalities, whether they have marked the past or are actors, scientists, politicians, or artists of our time.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz First Names. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
... del Toro won the Oscar for Best Director for "The Shape of Water" in 2017.
Alexandro | Pedro | Fernando | Guillermo -
... Armstrong was the first man to walk on the Moon.
John | Michael | Alan | Neil -
... Bernhardt was one of the first actresses of international renown and to perform in many countries around the world.
Béatrice | Agnès | Christine | Sarah -
The exceptional Canadian pianist, ... Gould, is renowned for his unique style and virtuoso technique.
Glenn | William | Leonard | Arthur -
The Queen of Scots, ... Stuart, was executed after being found guilty of plotting against Elizabeth I, her cousin.
Catherine | Anne | Beatrice | Mary
Real-time difficulty levels
This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz First Names. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
1090 | zumba |
474 | Snifida |
424 | Lafabla |
332 | FourmiAtomique |
328 | Claire |
310 | MV12 |
298 | Mero20 |
238 | EnolaGay |
214 | Francis5 |
204 | mike222 |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
3.34 | zumba |
2.06 | MV12 |
1.56 | Mero20 |
1.55 | Lafabla |
1.29 | Snifida |
0.75 | FourmiAtomique |
0.69 | EnolaGay |
0.66 | Claire |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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