Famous Couples
Everlasting loves, iconic romances and, sometimes, tragedies or broken hearts. See our famous couples, real or fictional.

Average71 % -
Game creation: 2024-01-26
| Photo credit: Pixabay
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Pixabay
History is marked by couples whose relationships have left their mark on their time, whether in the world of art, politics, cinema, or literature. From their passionate love affairs to their fruitful collaborations, these famous duos have often left an indelible mark on the collective memory, inspiring and fascinating the public.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Famous Couples. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
Which woman did Prince Charles marry in 1981, making him the most talked-about couple of the decade?
Jane Fellowes | Diana Spencer | Camilla Parker Bowles | Sarah McCorquodale -
Who was the famous Mexican muralist married to surrealist painter Frida Kahlo?
José Clemente Orozco | José Guadalupe Posada | Pablo Picasso | Diego Rivera -
Who did Bill Clinton marry in 1975 when he was studying law at Yale University?
Hillary Johnstone | Hillary Rodham | Hillary Mantel | Hillary Farr -
This iconic French actress and 1960s icon was married to director Roger Vadim.
Jane Birkin | Brigitte Bardot | Claudia Cardinale | Sophia Loren -
This knight of the Round Table had a forbidden love affair with Queen Guinevere, wife of King Arthur.
Hector de Maris | Lancelot | Percival | Mordred
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