Retrospective 1824

Retrospective 1824

A look back at the highlights of 1824.

A look back at the highlights of 1824.
Average66 % - Questions50
Writer Sharp  Category History   Series Retrospective Keywords 19th century  Extra Topic Sheet
Game creation: 2024-09-21 | Photo credit: Arturo Michelena | Photo credit (thumbnail): Arturo Michelena

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Retrospective 1824. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which country did the United States sign a treaty with to define the borders of Alaska in 1824?

    Spain | Russia | Great Britain | Canada
  • Which U.S. government agency was founded in 1824 to manage relations with Native American tribes?

    Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs | Federal Indian Reservation Commission | Office of Tribal Relations
  • Which author of the novel “The Lady of the Camellias” was born on July 27, 1824, in Paris?

    Alexandre Dumas, fils | Gustave Flaubert | Honoré de Balzac | Stendhal
  • Which European power was defeated by the Ashanti at Nsamankow, in present-day Ghana, on January 22?

    Austria-Hungary | Spain | France | United Kingdom
  • Which statement refers to Louis XVIII, King of France and Navarre, who died on September 16, 1824?

    Last king to be buried at Notre-Dame de Paris | Last king of France to die in power | Last king to be crowned in Reims cathedral | Last king to have descendants

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Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
208 Rambo
174 lynn25
174 ricky11
158 vic88
146 Boogie
122 Felix
114 jacquesL
100 Alan79
100 les4as
94 dominique72

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