Media, the Art of Communication

Media, the Art of Communication

Press, Broadcast, and Digital: A Journey Through the World of Media.

Press, Broadcast, and Digital: A Journey Through the World of Media.
Average63 % - Questions90
Writer ABrown  Category Society  
Game creation: 2025-01-26 | Photo credit: geralt | Photo credit (thumbnail): geralt

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Media, the Art of Communication. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which website is considered the first true social network?

    Hi5 | MySpace | Orkut | SixDegrees
  • This microblogging site launched in 2007 had been described as a mix of Twitter with YouTube and WordPress.

    Snapchat | Google Buzz | TikTok | Tumblr
  • Which invention enabled the mass distribution of newspapers by multiplying the speed of printing?

    Letterpress | Linotype | Steam-powered rotary press | Daguerreotype
  • Which daily played a key role in the emergence of comic strips in newspapers in the 1890s?

    New York World | The Sun | Petit Journal | Daily Mirror
  • In which city was the first known printed newspaper, a four-page weekly, published in 1605?

    Paris | Amsterdam | London | Strasbourg

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Earnings Players
208 geo01
182 bob62
176 dixto
170 alphabeta
168 rudy25
110 rene
82 decy32
78 rod69
70 ste98
64 forr

Top 10 - Rating *

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0.97 geo01
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