A variety of flavors and textures, from tropical orchards to temperate gardens.

Average65 % -
Game creation: 2023-11-04
| Photo credit: Public Domain Pictures
| Photo credit (thumbnail): Public Domain Pictures
Fruits are nature's delights, edible products of plants that contain the seeds necessary for their reproduction. They are distinguished by their wide variety of shapes, colors, flavors, and textures, ranging from juicy berries to tangy citrus fruits, to sweet stone fruits. Rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, they play an essential role in a healthy and balanced diet.
Questions Preview
Here are some questions from the quiz Fruits. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
Botanically regarded as a fruit, it is eaten as a vegetable.
Leek | Turnip | Cucumber | Artichoke -
This citrus fruit has given its name to a secondary color.
Pomelo | Orange | Grapefruit | Tangerine -
Where in Asia does the lychee, a fruit with a rough shell and sweet, juicy flesh, come from?
India | Japan | Thailand | China -
Which elongated green fruit, used in salads and smoothies, is rich in potassium and fiber?
Avocado | Cucumber | Pepper | Grape -
Which Middle Eastern country is the world's leading producer of dates?
Saudi Arabia | Israel | Egypt | Morocco
Real-time difficulty levels
This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Fruits. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.
Top 10 - Earnings
Earnings | Players |
294 | stan |
264 | tron |
204 | FourmiAtomique |
200 | Yoda |
164 | hilton2023 |
158 | Irma |
146 | RicoR |
140 | billycrush |
134 | HappyJappy |
128 | savard71 |
Top 10 - Rating *
Rating | Players |
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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