Cold War

Cold War

Exploring an era of tension and a divided world.

Exploring an era of tension and a divided world.
Average65 % - Questions44
Writer NY68  Category History   Keywords 20th Century  Extra Topic Sheet
Game creation: 2024-08-27 | Photo credit: Heinrich Sanden Sr. / AP | Photo credit (thumbnail): Henry Ries / USAF

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Cold War. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • Which organization, created in 1949, brings together European and North American countries for collective defense?

  • Which important treaty between the USA and the USSR was first negotiated in 1969?

  • His action as leader of the Polish labour movement and the Solidarity trade union heralded the debacle of the Eastern Bloc.

    Nicolae Ceausescu | Lech Walesa | Wojciech Jaruzelski | Tito
  • Who initiated the political and economic reforms in Czechoslovakia that were repressed by the USSR in 1968?

    Gustáv Husák | Ludvík Svoboda | Václav Havel | Alexander Dubcek
  • A U.S. senator, he was behind the anti-communist campaign that swept through the United States in the 1950s.

    Joseph McCarthy | Douglas MacArthur | James McClure | John McClellan

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Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
244 Van44
204 Alexelo35
186 FreddyMercury
122 Gigi
120 Yoda
110 dannyboy
94 matt44
94 Alan79
88 MichelC
88 leo64

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
1.30 Van44
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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