Who Was Murdered?

Who Was Murdered?

Famous murders, assassinations and attacks.

Famous murders, assassinations and attacks.
Average68 % - Questions52
Writer dannyboy  Category History   Series Who...? Keywords People 
Game creation: 2023-02-18 | Photo credit: Charles-Gustave Housez - Palais des Champs-Elysées (Paris) | Photo credit (thumbnail): Charles-Gustave Housez - Palais des Champs-Elysées (Paris)

Questions Preview

Here are some questions from the quiz Who Was Murdered?. Click on the "Play" button to see the answers and more...
  • He was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald on November 24, 1963, in Dallas.

    Edward Moore Kennedy | Joseph Patrick Kennedy | Robert Francis Kennedy | John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • American Baptist pastor and non-violent activist killed in 1968 by James Earl Ray.

    Marcus Garvey | Louis Farrakhan | Malcolm X | Martin Luther King
  • Archbishop of Canterbury murdered in 1170 by supporters of King Henry II of England.

    Thomas More | Thomas Wolsey | Thomas Becket | Thomas Cromwell
  • Russian mystic and man of influence at the court of Tsar Nicholas II assassinated in 1916.

    Seraphim of Sarov | Antonin Kapustin | Grigory Rasputin | Felix Yusupov
  • Elected Prime Minister of India in 1966, she was assassinated in 1984 by her Sikh bodyguards.

    Golda Meir | Mother Teresa | Indira Gandhi | Benazir Bhutto

Real-time difficulty levels

This graph shows the overall difficulty level (all players) of the questions for the quiz Who Was Murdered?. A question's level of difficulty fluctuates over time as it is a function of its overall hit percentage.

Top 10 - Earnings

Earnings Players
646 JayC
495 Snowman
462 matt44
374 Cleo2A
334 TudorHart
325 Gilligan72
323 stan
296 Lainlain
267 Cesar
264 flash

Top 10 - Rating *

Rating Players
2.70 TudorHart
2.64 Gilligan72
1.96 Cleo2A
1.82 JayC
1.73 matt44
1.52 flash
1.39 Irma
1.24 Snowman
1.17 Catou
1.10 stan
* Minimum of 20 questions answered. Rating are updated every hour.
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